About The Loss Lab
The Grief and Loss Research Lab (aka The Loss Lab) is a scholarly interdisciplinary research hub dedicated to critical analyses of the myriad effects of loss throughout the life span. The fundamental goal of the Loss Lab is the pursuit of greater death literacy and grief literacy. Beginning in 2019, the Loss Lab has been the home of a wide variety of interdisciplinary scholarship. As Thanatology is a recent field of study within academia, there is a highly relevant need for well-grounded research as well as integration of theory and praxis for those working in such professions as nursing, palliative care, first responders, policing, education, health and wellness professionals, and funeral care providers.
The Loss Lab, in association with the Department of Thanatology at King’s University College (an affiliate of Western University), is well positioned to make significant contributions to this area of inquiry given the range of courses offered, the breadth of thanatological research and scholarship, and the diverse student interests. The Loss Lab provides students with opportunities to develop qualitative research skills, critical thought, and the capacity to recognize the significance of critical Thanatological scholarship in deepening our understanding of death and non-death losses.
Aligning with the values of a liberal arts education as well as the mission of King’s University College, the Loss Lab encourages the pursuit of knowledge, ethical action, articulate and creative expression, and the ability to utilize acquired knowledge for the betterment of one’s community.
The Loss Lab, in association with the Department of Thanatology at King’s University College (an affiliate of Western University), is well positioned to make significant contributions to this area of inquiry given the range of courses offered, the breadth of thanatological research and scholarship, and the diverse student interests. The Loss Lab provides students with opportunities to develop qualitative research skills, critical thought, and the capacity to recognize the significance of critical Thanatological scholarship in deepening our understanding of death and non-death losses.
Aligning with the values of a liberal arts education as well as the mission of King’s University College, the Loss Lab encourages the pursuit of knowledge, ethical action, articulate and creative expression, and the ability to utilize acquired knowledge for the betterment of one’s community.
@2022 The Loss Lab.